Get ready to excite, engage, hire
With our Gamify suite, you can excite, engage and hire candidates – understanding their quality whilst driving high completion rates with an engaging experience. You can create a top-quality digital experience, with gamified elements in a professional platform, whilst measuring highly predictive cognitive capability.

Assess your candidates’ learning agility!
This assessment looks at how quickly a candidate can learn new information, by assessing their ability to learn from experiences and apply that learning to novel situations and problems, providing insight into how quickly someone may learn a new skill based on information they are presented with.

Assess your candidates’ logical reasoning ability!
This assessment looks at a person’s ability to solve problems using logic, providing insight into how well they can learn new information and integrate this with their existing knowledge. It should also indicate the person’s capability around working with strategic ideas and intangible concepts.

Screen on highly predictive cognitive measures

Engage candidates with a gamified experience

Communicate brand value prop throughout the experience

Promote diversity & inclusion throughout the experience
- Fully Branded with your company branding
- Engaging Game System to engage more of your candidates
- Candidate “Pro-tips” throughout the experience
- Colour-blind Mode to accomodate more candidates
- Utilises computer adaptive testing
- Multi-device Capability – phones, tablets, laptops
- Secret Stash – Company-specific messaging through the assessment (configured platforms only)

Gamification e-Book
Learning more about our gamify suite and how it can benefit your recruitment process by downloading our e-book!
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